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Think of each project as a separate Laravel application. You can create multiple projects under one account.


Once you set up application checks, App:keep will gather and display these badges in the project details page.

Repository badge

App:keep can display the name of the Git repository and the currently live commit hash. Clicking this badge will take you to relevant Git platform. This feature can currently recognize Github, Gitlab and Bitbucket repositories.

Version badges

These badges will show you the current Laravel and App:keep package versions you have. If the package has newer versions, the badge will highlight that with a yellow line.

Bear in mind that the upgrade indicator ignores major versions. This way, if you are on the latest version of Laravel 8, you won't see the yellow line.


You can configure notification channels (email, Slack) per project. You can also set a different email address and/or Slack channel for each of your projects.

Via email

By default, the project will have email alerts enabled and they will be sent to the address linked to your account. If desired, you can change this address or turn off email alerts from the project settings page.

Via Slack

Click on the "Connect Slack workspace" link. You will be redirected to Slack and may be asked to sign in. When prompted, select the channel App:keep should send alerts to.

It's possible to connect channels from different Slack Workspaces to different projects under the same account.

Delete a project

You can delete a project from the project settings page. Please bear in mind that all of the metrics and incidents related to the project will be gone permanently.